


Time & Date Formats

Dates, time and durations are displayed or selected in the formats listed below through the app.

  • Display of dates & times format - 13 May, 2019 or 13 May, 2019 13:00

  • Display of dates in filters – 13/05/2019

  • Display of durations and time slots will take values with number followed by letter - d (day), w (week), m (month), y (year), h (hour), n (minute), s (second)

Examples: 2h, 30n, 1w, 1m1w, 1y, 1y2m, etc.

Colour Coding & Custom Icons

Various elements like job status, order status, group of inventory items or a category can be colour coded for improving visibility and user experience. Items like categories or files can be assigned an Icon as well from a library of about 650 icons.

A palette of 22 light shades with 22 solid shades are available to choose when configuring colour elements in under System → Configuration.